Discover Your Intelligence in 20 Minutes • Scientifically Precise and Instantly Insightful
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The objective is to provide a numerical indication of a person's intelligence compared to their age group.
IQ is an abbreviation for Intelligence Quotient. It is a measure of your intelligence and is expressed as a number.
A person's IQ can be calculated by having them take an intelligence test.
The average IQ is 100. If you score above 100, you have performed better than the average person.
Here are our answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Your IQ assessment is based on the global population and statistics and the average IQ is around 100. If you score above 100, you have performed better than the average person, with the maximum evaluatable being 139.
You are evaluated on 25 questions of increasing difficulty. You must find the correct answer among the different options available. You can skip questions and return to them later.
By becoming a member, you can take as many exams as you wish and train on a multitude of themed tests.
Our IQ test is designed according to international standards. The questions are formulated to reliably measure cognitive abilities.
Discover our IQ training offers tailored to your needs.
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